Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weigh In Numero Quatro (that's Spanish for 4)

Hey all, happy weigh in day!  Today was another positive weigh in... down another 1.4lbs this week!  That brings my total weight loss since Christmas day to 7.8lbs! :)  I weighed in at 178.0 this morning.

I had another great run last night... it was just two miles but I was able to run outside before I went to volleyball.  I am so happy it's slowly starting to stay lighter a bit longer.  I hope I continue to say my runs are going well as the distance grows!

I went 2 miles, and ran a 10:39 pace.  I am satisfied with how much faster I am running starting out this year as compared to last year.

I am also really learning a lot more on Heart Rate Based Calorie burn...

My garmin seems to be very accurate which is exciting for me.  What I learned however, is the Activity point tracker on Weight Watchers is NOT accurate at all.  So, for the last 3 weeks I've been using that way to track my workouts... even though I don't "eat" my activity points, it's still gratifying to know how many I earn.  So, what I am doing now is tracking my calories burned via my Garmin, and transferring those into Activity points.

I have learned that it exaggerates it by 1/3 to 1/2 more than I actually earn.  I read on the WW message boards that 1 AP = 80 calories.  So, I feel like I will be getting a much more accurate reading on how much I am actually earning!

Here's to 2 more great runs this week... 2 miles tomorrow & 4.3 on Saturday!

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