Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Workouts you Like

So Ryan has been trying to talk me into starting the P90X series like he has been doing for the last few weeks.  I am totally proud of him for sticking with it and he actually really loves doing it.  I, on the other hand, do not love to sweat it out in my living room for more than a few minutes.  But I really want to give it a try.  The problem is, P90X is about an hour and 15 minutes long everyday!!  That is just too much time to devote when I have other workouts on my schedule during the week.  So, I decided that if I can start with shorter videos, maybe I can learn to like a longer workout video like P90X.

I am a HUGE lover of seriously, I watch more TV on there, than I do when the shows are actually on.  Well in the search box, I typed "exercise" and ExerciseTV came up.  Low and behold they have a whole channel of exercise videos that you can use.  Some are just demo videos and then you need to carry the moves out afterwards, but some are a bit longer and give you short 10 minute workouts to complete.  You should check them out, here.

Tonight - after 12 minutes on the elliptical, I completed about 18 minutes of videos:
-Sexy Legs

-Ab Trimmer
-Very Sexy Arms
-Rear View

So it wasn't the longest workout in the world, but surprisingly after the lunges & squats... I was feeling the burn in my legs!  Apparently I need to start strength training again!

I feel like I need to establish a typical workout routine.  I know that I go to Cycling on Monday's & I play volleyball on Tuesday's but the rest of the week is usually random.  For the last 6 months I have been running on Saturdays and typically one other day of the week.  I know with the Cellcom Green Bay 1/2 Marathon training starting soon - that I will need to pick up my running to 3-4 times per week.

EEK... I can't believe I registered to run 13.1 miles in ONE day... or rather... 2 hours and 30 minutes (goal time).  And you bet, as soon as I finish... I'm getting myself one if these!!!

What does your typical workout routine look like?

What motivates you to stick to a routine?

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