Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dick Lytie 15k (9.3 miles)

Here's my race recap of my first 15k!  Warning - might a little too much TMI for some... but runners will relate to me!

This was a tough course... lots of hills up and down.  They had an excellent amount of water/gatorade stations - but I wished for a porta potty stop.  Physically (legs/breathing) I felt great... on the major bummer side (as most runners know), sometimes you experience some major bathroom issues when running.

Well today was not my day :(  I kicked off my morning with breakfast - 1 Eggo Waffle w/Peanut Butter, a small banana & some water.  I also took my normal fiber supplement... I visited the bathroom twice before I left the house.  I arrived to pick up my bib & t-shirt, got ready for the race and was in line for the porta potty, where I went a 3rd time.  I went back into my car to stay warm (it was 39 degrees at this point - 9:30a).  All of a sudden I really felt sick... like I had to head back to the bathroom, only I looked and the porta potty line was about 25 people deep - with 15 minutes to race time.  I decided that I would just have to suck it up and pray the icky feeling goes away.

Well the horn went off and the feeling just kept getting worse and worse as each mile passed.  By mile 2 I just wanted to turn around and head back to the car.  I pushed myself to keep going... contemplating with each step... do I run into the woods, do I knock on someone's front door... what do I do!?!?  This course was hilly... so I ran/walked up the hills which helped my icky feelings subside... downhill was another story... I thought my insides were going to jump out of me.  By mile 6 I was desperate... so I had to start alternating walking & running for a bit.  I made it to around mile 7.5 when there was a gas station - and bolted for it.  Knowing this would delay my race time a good 5 minutes... it was go or give up.  Back on the course a few minutes later, I felt AMAZINGLY better... and pushed myself the last 1.8 miles. 

When I crossed the finish it was 1:47:10, which is exactly what I need to finish the half in 2 hours 30 minutes.  However, my ipod (because I paused it at the bathroom) said 1:42... which reflects a more accurate time.  I know I would have had an even better time b/c I never walk as much as I had to today.

It sucks when you're not tired, you're not in pain but you've got to walk to save your bootay... if you know what I mean.

Here's two pictures that Ryan snapped of me at the end... so sweet of him to meet me at the finish :)

On a positive note because it was my first 15k this morning... I technically had a personal record!  It can only get better from here :)  No more bananas before racing!

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