Saturday, January 19, 2013

Alarm.... Oh I hate my alarm!

My alarm was going off this morning... starting at 6:30am... and I really, really did not want to get out of bed.  I even got out of bed, looked outside, pretended it was snowing, and crawled back into bed.  I thought to myself, well, I can just go run later at the Y.  Suddenly it was like a light bulb went off in my head that said... get your butt out of bed and go to the training run.  There is no reason I couldn't go, so I hopped out of bed at the last minute (7:30), threw on clothes, let Colby outside and I was out the door by 7:45am.  Turns out, it was actually pretty decent outside... and I had a great run!!

The plan this morning was 4.3 miles, which I finished in 46:07 ~ 10:44/mile pace!  I also must have been running hard today because I burned almost 700 calories!

Mile 1: 10:28
Mile 2: 11:05
Mile 3: 11:05
Mile 4: 10:47
Last .3: 10:27

I got home and took Colby for a short run to finish out 5 miles.  In the early afternoon I then took Colby for a 2 mile walk... I think we can certainly say I got my exercise today!

Tonight I am curled up on the couch listening to the wind howl... watching Pitch Perfect.  So far this is a great movie!  I can't believe how long I've waited to see this movie!

I'm going to attempt a double spin class tomorrow... 1 hour 30 minutes.  WOWZA... my legs might be jello afterwards :)

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