Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Combating the Cookies

So even though I love to bake and.... EAT all kinds of sweet treats, I have to combat the calories somehow!  I have lost 20lbs since June, and would like to continue to lose more.  That means running, spinning & strength training is in order.  I am currently running 5k & 10k races, but I have a goal of running a half marathon in May 2012!

Here is me at the end of my last 5k, in September, the race I had a personal record at (34:53)!!  P.S. I don't normally look like I am dying, they caught me at a "catching my breath moment at the finish line".

I don't have excellent metabolism, so I must watch what I eat and workout consistently to see results... and to maintain my weight loss.  It also helps that I have Colby to walk daily... and trust me, he lets me know if he didn't get walked on any given day!  Meet Colby, the fearless ruler & occasional cookie-sneaker of the house... 

Each week, on Sunday,  I will provide a round-up of my daily workouts.

Typically I try to make healthy versions of my recipes at home, but occasionally you just want the real thing!  Some typical substitutions for me include using egg beaters, natural applesauce, whole wheat flour & cutting the sugar amounts in recipes.  Sometimes making substitutions comes with challenges, like taste, texture and shelf-life.  It can take some trial and error to get it right!!

One day, as my dreams become reality, I would like to be able to offer healthy baked-good options as well as the original!

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