Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work...

Why is the day after a long weekend so difficult!?!?  I struggled getting out of bed this morning and then I felt like the day would never end.  But now I am home and relaxing for a bit before my volleyball game & dinner with my team!

Of course, day two of weight watchers, and I'm headed to a Mexican Restaurant!  I am determined to be good.  I figure if I skip the margarita, I'll be saving a ton of points right there :)

I weighed in this morning, for my first official weigh in... I'm down 1 pound since Sunday when I joined!  I am hoping for a steady 2 lb loss each week - with a balanced diet & exercise.  If I lose 2lbs per week, I will reach my goal in 13 weeks!  However, I want to be a realistic person, knowing that because I don't have as much to lose this time, it might be more difficult towards the end.  Therefore, I'm setting my goal date of:  May 15th (which is 19 weeks).  Having a cushion always allows for a few weeks of setbacks or small losses.  This is also the week of the HALF MARATHON, so I would be very pleased with myself if I hit my goal weight (1 resolution) and ran my first half marathon (another resolution) in the SAME week!

Today's menu (sorry no pictures!):

B - 2 Eggo Waffles w/Peanut Butter
S - 1/2 Grapefruit w/ 1tsp. sugar
L - Morning Star Chik Pattie on a sandwich thin with lettuce
S - Apple w/Peanut Butter
D - Mexican:  I'll either be getting a salad or chicken tacos.... TBD!

Workout - Sand Volleyball (it's technically my rest day)

Happy Tuesday... very glad to know that we're half way through the week TOMORROW!

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